What A New Government Means For The NDIS & Aged Care In Australia

What A New Government Means For The NDIS & Aged Care In Australia

For many years the NDIS and aged care services have provided quality support empowering Australians to live an independent and fulfilling life. However, in more recent times, the level of support has changed, impacting participants, their families, and their carers.

List of NDIS Registration Groups for Unidex Healthcare

List of NDIS Registration Groups for Unidex Healthcare

Unidex Healthcare is proud to be a registered NDIS provider. Registered providers are reviewed by the NDIS Commission, and deliver support or a product to a participant of the NDIS. Support must be provided according to the NDIS Practice Standards and NDIS Code of Conduct.

8 Reasons Not To Be A Disability Support Worker

8 Reasons Not To Be A Disability Support Worker

Growing up we all have ideas about what we would and wouldn’t like to do in terms of careers and, sure, for many of us this can change over time. However, the careers we’ve classified as ‘no go’ tend to stay the same.  We don’t consider the possibility that they could offer something rewarding.