The Virtual Handshake – Why Contactless Recruitment Is the Way Of The Future

The Virtual Handshake – Why Contactless Recruitment Is the Way Of The Future

Prior to COVID-19, we followed one consistent recruitment methodology to fill most employment vacancies. Barring exceptional circumstances, this process demanded that potential applicants meet face to face. This would, of course, include the standard greeting first impressions were built on—the handshake.

In The Art of Body Language, Susan C. Young says: “Your handshake has the power to reveal your strength of character, make a promise, demonstrate your level of respect, exercise your etiquette, and represent your business acumen.”

Then, almost overnight as a result of social distancing restrictions, handshakes became unacceptable and face-to-face meetings, impossible.

As an industry we needed to adapt quickly. We began running interviews via Zoom, inductions and walkthroughs via video capture, and many candidates even began working from the confines of their own living rooms. Less than a year ago this approach would have seemed outrageous. We had become so set in old methodologies that any deviations thereof were considered to be ‘cutting corners’.

Fast forward to February 2021 and things have changed once again. ‘Handshakes’ now happen virtually over phone lines and on video calls or, if in person, by bumping elbows.

Body language has become more important, and first impressions are made from the response to questions related to roles, rather than firmness of a handshake. An interviewer must ask more in-depth questions and assess a candidate’s punctuality and body language more closely than has been previously necessary.

As part of this new process, culture fit has become a crucial element to the success of a hire as companies have made adjustments in assessing the potential personality, attitudes and values of a candidate.

We have made rapid advancements in the way sourcing can, and has been conducted, and things might never fully go back to the way they were. Further, we have shown these processes can work. Unidex Healthcare launched in March 2020 and has conducted 90% of its recruitment in a contactless method with no compromise in compliance. Culture fit, as well as performance indicate a great success in our new methodology, with a significant reduction in staff turnover according to anecdotal evidence.

The new methodology has universally been adopted by Unidex and we have seen that teams working remotely can still achieve the same desired outcomes or successes. Our reach has grown as we are no longer tied to the parameters in which we once operated.

With compliance remaining strong and productivity on the increase, I am positive that a new era has begun when it comes to recruitment and sourcing.

Author – Aaron Claridge, GM

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