8 Reasons Not To Be A Disability Support Worker

8 Reasons Not To Be A Disability Support Worker

Growing up we all have ideas about what we would and wouldn’t like to do in terms of careers and, sure, for many of us this can change over time. However, the careers we’ve classified as ‘no go’ tend to stay the same.  We don’t consider the possibility that they could offer something rewarding.

Take disability support work for example.  There are so many reasons not to be a disability support worker, right?

Here are just a few of those.

#1 – You love being stuck behind a desk

You love nothing better than being chained to a desk all day and staring at a screen.  While some meetings and toilet breaks draw you briefly away, you’re always quick to return.  You believe that sitting in the same position is great for your back and posture.  You don’t have much desire to move around.

#2 – You’re not interested in opportunities to further your career

You shy away from any opportunities to further your career. You have no desire to move up the ranks and are happy to earn the same money and maintain the same responsibilities for years to come.  The thought of taking on new and exciting challenges makes you shudder.

#3 – You hate training and the idea of upskilling

You don’t enjoy learning new things to better yourself and your career. As far as you’re concerned, what you don’t already know isn’t worth knowing, even if it would open up further opportunities. 

#4 – A healthy work life balance isn’t important to you

There’s nothing you enjoy more than spending long hours at work. You relish 14-hour days where you arrive first thing, remain at your desk all day, and leave as the streetlights come on. Nothing gives you more pleasure than all work and hardly any play.

#5 – You don’t enjoy social outings

You’re most at home when you’re sat alone at a desk with minimal contact with others and the outside world. For you, heading out to a café is purely for the purpose of grabbing a quick take away before returning to your desk.  You have no desire to do anything more social than that in the working day.

#6 – Job security isn’t important to you

For you, part of the fun of going to work is not knowing how secure your job is. When redundancies or job cuts are happening, you feel a thrill of excitement. Will today be the day you lose your job?  As far as you’re concerned, job security is overrated.

#7 – You don’t enjoy helping others

You’re not really interested in helping other people to live better, more meaningful lives. You don’t imagine it would be rewarding in any way to make a genuine difference to an individual’s quality of life and help them feel empowered, independent, and part of the community.

#8 – You enjoy doing the same thing all day every day

You love doing the same thing all day every day. The thought of being asked or challenged to do something different fills you with dread. You have your routine down pat and don’t shy away from it. You’re more than happy to do this for the foreseeable future.

All jokes aside and removing the tongue from the cheek, a career as a disability support worker is one of the most valuable and rewarding around. 

Making a difference in the lives of others will also make a difference to you. Add in job security, work life balance, and the opportunity to further your career and you’ve the ultimate combination for happiness for all.

Seriously, what’s not to love?

Author – Unidex Healthcare Recruitment

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