Celebrating Australian Healthcare Heroes

Celebrating Australian Healthcare Heroes

When COVID-19 hit Australia’s shores, we rallied behind our Healthcare workforce with patriotic spirit. Political debates were paused as the media praised healthcare workers for their collective reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic. Australia celebrated the efforts and sacrifice of those fighting to keep us safe and healthy.

These heroes put their personal health at risk, while sacrificing time with their families and friends, in order to provide care for Australians in need. They came in force from all over Australia, at times relocating from regional to rural areas, to make the greatest difference in desperate circumstances.

A little over six months on and those praises have ceased. There has been a return to political infighting; criticisms have been levelled at State border policies (and a condemnation of our neighbours) and there has been an increase in slander of the healthcare system. While the second wave began devastating the nation, Australia’s demand for care increased, but platforms that once congratulated and praised our healthcare workforce have gone silent.

Where some have turned their backs on the healthcare workforce, it is important that their efforts and sacrifices continues to be celebrated. Working at Unidex Healthcare Recruitment, I am privileged to see the commitment of the doctors, nurses, disability support workers, and personal care assistants in providing for individuals in need. We are proud to celebrate our workforce as they continue to make a difference in Australia.

After a recent placement, I spoke with a nurse who told me of the increased sacrifice required of him, and others in the workforce, to be able to continue in their role. To those on the outside, the sacrifice isn’t always visible. In addition to spending less time with loved ones, workers must undergo testing every 48 hours, are exposed to a high number of positive individuals, and endure the stress and anxiety of an increased workload due to the volume of patients and staff shortages. These sacrifices and pressures, however, are just the tip of the iceberg.

In the disability sector, some individuals have been without care for sustained periods due to their carers contracting COVID-19. Workers have had to fill in for regular carers, accepting temporary roles in high-risk environments, such as households where everyone has tested positive for the virus. The workers who fill these roles are only required for a 2 week period, after which there is no prospect for long-term employment. Furthermore, due to Australia’s critical need to have healthcare workers in households, new assignments require immediate starts, ultimately ruling out a number of workers who might have current commitments.

The level of sacrifice these dedicated workers make daily to provide care is not always seen to those outside of the industry. Instead of complaining, however, I see them simply persevere and get the job done. Our healthcare workers are owed recognition for their silent perseverance, and our aim at Unidex Healthcare Recruitment is to give them what they are owed: confidence, stability, long term employment options, a desirable pay rate and professional development.

Australians are known for banding together in times of hardship. It seemed like we had some solidarity early on, but many have forgotten to celebrate the people giving so much of themselves to keep us safe and healthy. We mustn’t let these people go unnoticed and unrewarded.

Author – Aaron Claridge, GM

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